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"So there's a young gentleman who I was working with. He had a lot of problems in terms of his emotional regulation. He came from quite a complex family background and a background in which home life was quite controlling. It was quite a difficult situation for this young man, because, because of how limited he was in what he was allowed to do, it meant that he had very little in common with his peers.
And we worked a lot on just really building some kind of trusting relationship. Part of the, of the therapy process is that it's almost like you can kind of test things out with your therapist. So when things really challenge our relationship with your therapist, you can test that out with them. And then when it comes up in your sort of day-to-day life, you kind of know that you've got strategies that you can use, or you know, how you will deal with X, Y, and Z.
He sent me something via his parents on an email that, in his own way said you know, no offense, but I don't talk about stuff, but I could with you and you made me feel safe and comfortable.
You know, and by the end of the therapy, he was able to sit and we could play together for really long periods of time. We could talk about music. Or he could kind of really take ownership and just have that confidence to create like his own piece of music. That was such a huge, huge thing for him in terms of his own confidence."