As I would like to become a music therapist when I am older, it has come to my attention that when I mention the therapy, a lot of people I have spoken to do not know much about it. One person thought it was being a therapist for famous musicians! This brought about the inspiration for this project.
Originally, I wanted to go into setting such as hospitals and schools and lead some sessions, making comparisons between music therapy . Due to the pandemic, this wouldn't be feasible. Also, as much as places appreciate volunteers, I would not feel experienced enough to lead sessions, especially with such vulnerable clients.
I then came to the conclusion that I would like to focus my project on highlighting the amazing work of music therapists, explaining more about it, and as COVID has had a massive impact on health, highlighting it's importance now more than ever. I am going to do interviews with music therapists, and make an educational video highlighting the benefits of music therapy and how people can use and support it. It will discuss how COVID has impacted the profession. The video will be between 5-7 minutes long, and using graphics and video interviews from music therapists, it will explain more about the work they do. Hopefully if I can attend sessions, I would love to video the sessions (avoiding faces) to show the audience what goes on. It would also be amazing if I could get someone to do sign language for it as well to increase accessibility.
To do:
Complete ethics application
Create a spreadsheet of Music Therapists to contact
Make the information and sheet and consent form